Advanced Interactive Wiring Diagrams
Advanced Interactive Wiring Diagrams

The Ultimate Information Resource for
Electrical Diagnostics

Interactivity for Efficiency

Our advanced interactive wiring diagrams can be scrolled through quickly by navigating directly to the component information via the diagram without a secondary lookup. Component names shown in the color-coded diagrams are active hyperlinks that take you straight to the information you need, including location, connector views and replacement procedures.

Effortless Navigation

Using 1Search Plus, enter a component, connector, ground or splice as a search term, and the advanced search engine will return targeted results – showing the wiring diagram for the specific item you entered. The connectors, grounds and splices are also searchable within the wiring diagrams and include active hyperlinks. You can click on the links to view related content or navigate from one diagram set to another.

Quick Identification

Technicians can quickly identify the components for a given fix through the simplified view of complex diagrams. The highlighting extends across all the pages until the wire reaches its termination point. Zoom and orientation are also maintained across multiple pages to streamline the navigation. When performing a deep dive into a wiring diagram, hidden wires appear faded but do not disappear entirely, providing detail while preserving the big-picture view.

Current OEM Information

SUN Collision's wiring diagrams are continuously updated, so technicians can always access the most up-to-date OEM information. With this powerful tool, collision repair technicians can quickly and accurately diagnose and repair electrical issues, saving time and money for their customers.

Key Benefits:

- Speed and Efficiency: Complete repairs faster with advanced, interactive wiring diagrams based on your searched term. Navigate effortlessly with active hyperlinks and color-coded wires extending across pages.
- Precision and Confidence: Generates the latest step-by-step guidance through intricate wiring configurations that navigate precisely to connected components so technicians can confidently conquer challenging electrical repairs.
- Relevance and Consistency: Provides the most up-to-date, real-world information with field-tested collision and mechanical repair procedures to ensure accuracy. We are committed to keeping up with the latest technologies and continuously updating our wiring diagrams to include the latest makes and models.

OEM Information for All Types of Repairs

Body & Frame
Access complete information about sectioning procedures, structural adhesives, interior trim, sensors and switches, OEM procedures such as sectioning an structural repairs, handling of new materials, panel removal and replacement, and more.

Paint & Finish
Your finishing touches complete the repair. We’ve got the information you need for paint materials, sealing and corrosion protection, surface preparation and application process, and more.

Quickly find the information you need to work with high-strength steels, composite, aluminum, plastics, plastic parts repair, and more. All the materials data for the selected vehicle is just a click away in the intuitive 1Search Plus user interface.

Common Repair
Start your diagnosis with insights from the most common procedures for the selected vehicle based on code, symptom, component and mileage.

Causes & Fixes
Access our charts & graphs that show the relationship between codes and symptoms to components, making it easier to diagnose multiple codes returned together.

Top Repairs
With this exclusive feature, SUN Collision gives you a head start to an accurate diagnosis with collective knowledge from millions of expert-based repairs.