The labor shortage is making it harder for collision repair shops to find skilled technicians. With seasoned workers retiring and fewer new hires entering the field, a strong technician retention strategy is essential for success. It all starts with smart hiring.
Automotive Sensors 101 for Collision Repair
Sensor technology is a swiftly advancing field in the automotive industry. It is a crucial component of modern car and truck manufacturing, mainly with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). The dynamic innovations in all types of automotive sensors pose unique challenges for collision repair.
Debunking Auto Collision Repair Myths
Get the inside scoop as we debunk popular myths in auto collision repair! Arm yourself with expert knowledge for safer, more effective vehicle fixes. Read more!
Top Three Types of Collision Damage
Collision repair facilities face challenges when dealing with front-end, rear-end, and side-impact collisions. As reported by NHTSA, these types of collisions are the most common, and industry experts know firsthand just how extensive the damage can be. Uncover practical and reliable solutions to these everyday challenges.
Best Practices for Fast-Tracking Collision Repairs at Your Auto Body Shop
Even the most experienced collision repair technician can only perform repairs as fast as the shop’s limitations allow. To fast-track repairs, the first step is to minimize the limitations in your shop that slow down the repair process.
Get the Scoop on Vehicle Recalls and Technical Service Bulletins
Vehicle recalls and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) address the performance and safety of a vehicle, but it’s important to know the difference between the two and how to deal with these issues.
Eight Types of Sensors Used in Automobiles, from Cameras to Oxygen Sensors
Learn about some common vehicle sensors and how SUN® Collision Repair Information can help your body shop perform safer, more accurate repairs in less time.
Why Collision Repair Software Could Be a Collision Technician’s Most Important Tool
While collision repair software can’t replace hands-on experience, it can give professional technicians the tools they need to keep up with increasingly more complicated collision procedures.
Five Things You May Not Know About Collision Repair Technology
Here are five things you may not know about some features in SUN Collision and the benefits of collision repair software and how they can make your collision repair shop more productive and profitable.
Advanced Collision Repair Technology is the Future: If Your Shop Ready?
Advanced collision repair technology impacts everything from materials, manufacturing methods, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and sensors, control modules, occupant safety equipment. Your shop can keep up with these advances with collision repair software.
Identifying the ROI on Collision Repair Software at Your Auto Body Shop
As the saying goes: If it doesn’t make dollars, then it doesn’t make cents! Collision repair software is an excellent investment, as it provides a huge return on investment (ROI).
Auto Collision Repair Software Features Every Body Shop Should Be Using
You have the experience and expertise, but how do you keep up with all the changes in the automotive industry? SUN Collision puts the latest repair information at your fingertips.
How to Improve Your Auto Collision Shop’s Essential Diagnostic Processes
To help you best service your customers, consider investing in cutting-edge collision diagnostic services to improve your auto collision shop’s diagnostic process. The current industry leader is SUN Collision Repair Information.